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Meal Prepping with Signature Chorizo De San Manuel

Meal Prepping with Signature Chorizo De San Manuel

Looking for alternative ways to meal prep but just don’t know how to start? Chorizo de San Manuel can help! One of the most common and great items you can use in your meal prepping is by using chorizo, our prime beef products, sausages, and marinated fajitas. Read a few ways you can meal prep Chorizo De San Manuel.

What are Meal Preps?

The basic concept of meal prep is learning how to prepare your food ahead of time by prepping the meals a week in advance or just the ingredient.  This method can help you:

  • Have healthier choices
  • Stress less about cooking
  • Save time in during the week


How to Meal Prep

There are a few ways to prepare meal preps, but essentially how the food preparation begins is by organizing your food items and placing them in your fridge accordingly in order to make the process easier. One way to begin your food-prepping journey is by cutting your veggies and slicing your foods ahead of time before cooking them. By doing this, you can be able to:

  • Make ahead meals
  • Prepare easier breakfasts


Although there is more to just cutting and sorting out your food items, there are common techniques to look into, they are. 

Batch Cooking

Making batches of your favorite recipes are great for the weekends to avoid eating out. Our products make the best big-batch favorites. Try:


Portioning Your Meals 

The lunchbox game is strong with prep meals. While you could spend money at a meal prep restaurant, you save yourself money by doing it old school. You also have plenty of meals ready on hand for on-the-go! Plus, when you meal prep with our prime beef products you make sure you enjoy everything in your meal prep and get your money’s worth.

Prep Ingredients

Always manage to make time for your meal prepping, ahead of the week, so you can have meals or ingredients prepared daily. This can include chopping, slicing, peeling, or boiling your vegetables, grains, and fruits and even roasting your meats or ingredients ahead of time. Your meal prep work can be easier daily and spend less time in the kitchen. 

Check out Our Signature Chorizo!

Chorizo is packed with protein as well as amazing flavor and spices that go just as well with any other dish you can make! It’s simple to cook, and budget friendly! Our high-quality chorizo can be shipped to you or can be sold in various markets! 


Need Meal Prepping Inspiration? Check Out These Amazing Recipes!

If you’re looking for ways to use our delicious chorizo, then you’ll be pleased with the amount of amazing recipes that we have on our website! Some examples of our recipes include: 


Order Chorizo and Meat Boxes Online

Order any of our ten meat boxes in preparation for a busy school year! Choose your box and get a selection of steaks, signature seasonings, and Mexican chorizo! 

  • El Patron
  • El Presidente
  • Caveman Box
  • El Rey Steak Box
  • The Steak Box #4
  • The Steak Box #5
  • The Steak box #6
  • The BBQ Box #7
  • The BBQ Box #8
  • The Hunter’s Box


If you have questions about shipping, contact us online today!

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